DISC is knowing your part
Many Churches and Organizations embrace D.I.S.C. You will benefit from improved communication, less misunderstanding, shorter meetings, less conflict, effective teams, more cooperation, more productivity, and improved financial performance. Key areas where DISC is particularly useful:
  • Team development
  • Sales force development
  • Customer service training
  • Conflict management
  • Job and career coaching
  • Staff and Church membership
A Practical Language— DISC can be applied to life, it has a practical and useful applications in social, business, family relationships and is a wonderful tool for self-development.

D - Dominant

Definition and Insights
The Dominant "D" type

An outgoing, task-oriented individual will be focused on getting things done, accomplishing tasks, getting to the bottom line as quickly as possible and MAKING IT HAPPEN! (The key insight in developing a relationship with this type person is RESPECT and RESULTS.)
People with the D style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by overcoming opposition to accomplish results.

A person with a D style
  • is motivated by winning, competition and success.
  • prioritizes accepting challenge, taking action and achieving immediate results.
  • is described as direct, demanding, forceful, strong willed, driven, and determined, fast-paced, and self-confident.
  • may be limited by lack of concern for others, impatience and open skepticism.
  • may fear being seen as vulnerable or being taken advantage of.
  • values competency, action, concrete results, personal freedom, challenges.
  • unique accomplishments
  • new opportunities
  • control of audience
  • independence
Will need to expend more energy to:
  • show patience
  • display sensitivity
  • get into the details
  • allow deliberation
The D Personality Type contributes to a team. They think about big picture goals and tangible results. They are bottom-line organizers that can lead an entire group in one direction. They place great value on time frames and seeing results. The D may challenge the status quo and think in a very innovative way.
The possible weaknesses of the D Personality Style. They tend to overstep authority, as they prefer to be in charge themselves. At times they can be argumentative and not listen to the reasoning of others. They tend to dislike repetition and routine and may ignore the details and minutia of a situation, even if it's important. They may attempt too much at one time, hoping to see quick results.
The greatest fear of D Personality Types. The D Personality Type will craves to be in control of the situation, and therefore fears the idea of being taken advantage of by others.
When communicating with the D style individuals:
Give them the bottom line, be brief, focus your discussion narrowly, avoid making generalizations, refrain from repeating yourself, and focus on solutions rather than problems.
DISC Classic Patterns: Developer, Results Orientated, Inspirational and Creative

I - Influencer

Definition and Insights
The Influencer "I" type
An outgoing, people-oriented individual loves to interact, socialize and have fun. This person is focused on what others may think of him or her. (The key insight in developing a relationship with this type person is ADMIRATION and RECOGNITION.)
People with the i style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others.

A person with an I style
  • may be limited by being impulsive and disorganized and having lack of follow-through
  • is described as convincing, magnetic, enthusiastic, warm, trusting and optimistic
  • prioritizes taking action, collaboration, and expressing enthusiasm
  • is motivated by social recognition, group activities, and relationships
  • may fear loss of influence, disapproval and being ignored
  • values coaching and counseling, freedom of expression and democratic relationships
  • victory with flair
  • friendship and happiness
  • authority and prestige status symbols
  • popularity
Will need to expend more energy to:
  • follow-through completely
  • research all the facts
  • speak directly and candidly
  • stay focused for long periods
The I Personality Type contributes to a team. The I style are naturally creative problem solvers who can think outside of the box. They are great encourages and motivators of others. They keep environments positive with their enthusiasm and positive sense of humor. They will go out of their way to keep things light, avoid and negotiate conflict and keep the peace.
Possible weaknesses of the I Personality Style. The I Personality Style is likely not good with detail. They are more concerned with people and popularity than with tangible results and organization. It's also possible that they are not great listeners, and may give the impression of waiting to speak instead of truly listening to what someone else is saying. In some cases, gestures and facial expressions are overly used.
The greatest fear of I Personality Types. Since acceptance and approval by others is the main desire of I Personality Types, Rejection is their biggest fear.
When communicating with the i style individual:
Share your experiences, allow the i style person time to ask questions and talk themselves, focus on the positives, avoid overloading them with details, and don't interrupt them.

DISC Classic Patterns: Promoter, Persuader, Counselor, Appraiser

S - Steadiness

Definition and Insights
The Steadiness "S" type

An reserved, people-oriented individual will enjoy relationships, helping or supporting other people and working together as a team. (The key insight in developing a relationship with this person is FRIENDLINESS and SINCERE APPRECIATION.)
People with the S style place an emphasis on cooperating with others within existing circumstances to carry out the task.
A person with an S style
  • is motivated by cooperation, opportunities to help and sincere appreciation
  • prioritizes giving support, collaboration and maintaining stability
  • is described as calm, patient, predictable, deliberate, stable and consistent.
  • may be limited by being indecisive, overly accommodating and tendency to avoid change
  • may fear change, loss of stability and offending others.
  • values loyalty, helping others and security
  • personal accomplishments
  • group acceptance
  • power through formal roles and positions of authority
  • maintenance of status quo and controlled environment
Will need to expend more energy to:
  • quickly adapt to change or unclear expectations
  • multitask
  • promote themselves
  • confront others
The S Personality Type contributes to a team. The S style is reliant and dependable. They are patient, good listeners, who want to work with teams in a harmonious way. They strive for consensus and will try hard to reconcile conflicts as they arise. They are compliant towards authority and a loyal team player. The S is also good at multi-tasking and seeing tasks through until completion.
Possible weaknesses of the S Personality Style. The S is described as stable and predictable, this is because they like to get into a routine and what feels secure and stick with it. This results in an opposition towards change. However, when change is occurring, they adjust best when given a long enough period of time to adjust and an explanation of why the change is occurring. Because the S style is passive and avoids conflict, they may also hold grudges when they experience frustrations and resentments, instead of facing the issue head on. They strive for positive environments and relationships and can be especially sensitive when it comes to criticism. They want to please others, therefore may have a difficult time saying no or establishing priorities.
The greatest fear of S Personality Types. Because the S strives for stability and a feeling of peace and safety, they fear the loss of security through change.
When communicating with the S style individuals:
Be personal and amiable, express your interest in them and what you expect from them, take time to provide clarification, be polite, and avoid being confrontational, overly aggressive or rude.

DISC Classic Patterns: Specialist, Achiever, Agent, Investigator

C - Compliant

Definition and Insights
The Cautious "C" type

A reserved, task-oriented individual will seek value, consistency and quality information. This person focuses on being correct and accurate. (The key insight in developing a relationship with this individual is TRUST and INTEGRITY.)
People with the C style place an emphasis on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.

A person with a C style
  • is motivated by opportunities to gain knowledge, showing their expertise, and quality work.
  • prioritizes ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions.
  • is described as careful, cautious, systematic, diplomatic, accurate and tactful.
  • may be limited by being overcritical, overanalyzing and isolating themselves.
  • may fear criticism and being wrong.
  • values quality and accuracy
  • unique accomplishments
  • correctness
  • stability
  • predictable accomplishments
  • personal growth
Will need to expend more energy to
  • let go of and delegate tasks
  • compromise for the good of the team
  • join in social events and celebrations
  • make quick decisions
The C DISC Styles contributes to a team. The C style brings perspective to groups and tend to be the "anchor of reality" in team thought. When something is proposed, it is the C who will think through every detail of how it works and the process. They will make realistic estimates and will voice the problems that they see with the plan or already existing system. The C is conscientious and even tempered. They will complete tasks they've committed to and will be very thorough. They take great pride in doing their work accurately and are excellent people to analyze, research, or test information.
Possible weaknesses for the C DISC Styles. The C Personality Type is one of the passive styles, which results in avoiding conflict. They will avoid conflict rather than argue, and it is difficult to get them to verbalize their feelings. They need clear cut boundaries in order to feel comfortable at work, in relationships, or to take action. Sometimes the C can be bound by procedures and methods and find it difficult to stray from order. Sometimes they can get too bogged down in the small details, making it difficult to see the next steps or big picture.
The greatest fear of C DISC Styles. Because C Personality Types take great pride in being accurate and correct, they fear criticism.
When communicating with the C style individual:
You should focus on facts and details; minimize "pep talk" or emotional language; be patient, persistent and diplomatic.

DISC Classic Patterns: Objective Thinker, Perfectionist, Practitioner